Draft: Jan 24′ 2019
I would like to Invent a Phone, In which there will be #maximum 10 apps.
Life Simplified. I am sure, there will be such a phone in near future. Because tech has to be an enabler of life, not sucker of life.
Update: Feb’11 2019
Earlier Humans had OR they thought, they had 3 basic needs: Food, Cloth & Shelter (Roti Kapda aur makaan)
Today we have very different kind of necessities.. !!
Food, Clothing, Shelter.. AND
- Traveling (Public / private travel)
- Commerce (e-commerce & payments).
- Communication (calling, messaging, emaling, job search freelancing etcetra )
- Search the web for info, learning. And
- Entertainment.
Draft: 25April, 2019
Most apps i.e. application i.e. tools i.e. enablers in our phone needs a notification customization so we can restrict the notification timing as per our life style & schedules & interest.
Very specifically for Professional tools / platforms / tools like linkedin but specially gmail, Zoho. So that I can keep my professional & personal life separate. We deserve that, right ?
PS: Zoho isn’t even able to send me basic notifications on my vivo which has a Custom Android.
With current tools available, there is a jugad/hack that we can do to make it work. All you need is a Notifications Manager that restricts the notifications based upon the time of the day but doesn’t seem like any existing apps fit the bill.