When I started with chapter 1 as “Everything about Conversations”, I guess, I was trying to create a horizon around which I would be revolving. Digging deeper, Felt good to land on chapter 2 as “What is a conversation” But I am still not sure as to what is a conversation so I am digging down on 2.2 rather than a 3.

PS: Consider this document as an ever-evolving theory that gets updated as and when some new information is available for processing, fits in, & worth the effort.

I was in the middle of a lot of conversations & may be I needed some liberation.

What I realized since writing last time is, Every conversation has assumptions and they have enough power to make or break the same.

By making, I’d mean the best-case scenario, it all goes for a win-win for both the parties and the system around them.
By breaking, I’d mean the worst-case scenario, where things diverge in a direction that is mostly unwanted unless taken care of intentionally.

And a lot of possibilities in between where no party gets anything fruitful, no lives get impacted, no magic gets created but no damages get done either. An Average of everything in between.

What Is An Interactive Communication?

It’s a 2-way thing. Be it one to one OR one to many.
You can only do your bit, the other party has to be equally involved.

Not sure if it makes sense but I am putting the following thought out there to have a debate.

Image Credit: https://twitter.com/thenikhilkv

As a person working with a team with a mission impacting a billion lives, I would like to express myself So that I can have a dialogue, first with myself then with the people around me And we can have a fun journey together.

Let’s talk about assumptions for some time now. What exactly is an assumption?

As per the Cambridge University website, An assumption is something that you accept as true without question or proof. What’s missing is the hidden biases around something that has been accepted as true.

Let me connect some dots around what I am reading in “Thinking Fast & Slow” Specifically the Halo effect & the jumping to conclusions as a favorite hobby of general humans. The biases cloud can only be cleared with enough curiosity, additional effort & a thick skin.

I guess we’ll have to look at a few scenarios individually.

  1. Best case scenario:
    1. Both get what they wanted.
    2. Both had a fun time, felt enabled & powerful together.
    3. Both would like to continue the conversation as long as the situation allows.
  2. Worst case scenario:
    1. Both felt awkward
    2. Both couldn’t take much out of it.
    3. Both felt weird and would prefer not to take it forward… consciously OR subconsciously.
  3. Everything in between:
    1. This is a difficult part.
    2. I am not capable enough for the same, yet.

Because at the end of the day, what matters is what the parties felt while having those conversations.

Because a few years down the line, the things we do today might or might not be relevant but how we felt while doing those daily conversations, would only be remembered.

Hence, How we say it is more important than what we say.

Let me share an embarrassing story in one line. Last few weeks, I think, I have been doing it quiet wrong. The communication part.

That was difficult to be accepted, but things are only difficult untill done, right? Its even difficult to be said on a stage.

A graphic by Vidya Srinivasan

If they dont say, you dont agree, it should not be taken up as they agree, unless stated clearly. (May be)

In order to see myself in a better tomorrow The conversations I have today With myself & the people around me… Defines me. But everyone cannot have a different vision of tomorrow in their head.

That’s why written communication is important for teams.

Either everything is a miracle or nothing is. Either every conversation is fun or none is.
This reminds me of “curiosity” as an important element of a conversation.
Now the pandora box of curiosity if opened can lead to a lot of different directions.

Let the box open up.
Let me explore what’s the best in-store.

Let’s find that Schrodinger’s cat.
& Let me leave today with a thought I wrote a few yrs ago:

Since the series has been successfully expanding, I am adding an index for the convenience.

Sr NoTitle
Chapter 1What is EdTech (for me) & Why only edtech?
Chapter 2Why Gamification of Education..??
Chapter 3Letter to self from 2032: Let them play.
Chapter 4Who is Mini ?
Chapter 5Mini Version 0.1 (tell stories and ask questions)
Chapter 6Everything about conversations
Chapter 7What is a conversation
Chapter 8Interactive communication
Chapter 9The Tough Conversations
Chapter 10A conversation with myself
Chapter 11Consistency Challenges
Chapter 12GrowUpWithHarita.com
Chatter 13Amazon Toy Store
Chapter 14Research: Fostering Positive Parenting Conversations
Connecting the building blocks of conversations together.

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